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When it comes to defining your brand as a musician or artist it’s easy to be all-encompassing in your approach — just like the other millions of musicians out there — being broad and generalised in what they think their target market is.
As a musician it’s important to have a personal brand, and understanding what a personal brand is. Communicating your beliefs, passions and personality is just the start to promoting your music. In this article you’ll begin to question yourself, how you can communicate your message, engage with your audience and why audiences will relate to you.
Start With “Why?”
When you’re communicating to the world and you’ve got something to show it, us humans have a tendency to just communicate what we do.
The easy tip for you is this, communicate the reason you’re doing it as an extension of what it is you’re doing. For example, many artists would say “I’m a music producer” — we need to take this general statement and give it an understandable reason for audiences to connect with.
You could say this. “I believe that electronica music is the remedy for finding solace in a world of…